Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) Board of Directors and the supporting organizations, I am pleased to announce the 5th Arctic Technology Conference (ATC) will be held at the St. John’s Convention Center in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, 24-26 October 2016. With several direct flights from Europe and America, St. John’s will allow an easy access for Arctic experts and practitioners from all over the world to come together and create an unmatched opportunity for exchanging experiences, discussing solutions and networking.

Although some developments have already been undertaken, the Arctic remains one of the last frontiers. At the same time, the region is also one of the most difficult areas in the world to work in due to its remoteness, the extreme cold, dangerous sea ice and its fragile environment. A key challenge will be developing and deploying solutions, which are currently at the cutting edge of technology. Transportation of gas and oil from such remote parts of the globe are also a huge challenge to the energy industry with high technology demands on both vessels and pipelines. Going towards the Arctic is one of the most challenging and fascinating topics for engineers, researchers and environmentalists of various disciplines. Not alone, but only together we can make this happen. Therefore, ATC attracts experienced Arctic experts and those who are interested in evaluating new opportunities. ATC offers special sessions for discussion of Arctic policy, market outlook, risk management and standards.

Arctic experts will be recognized by the initiation of Distinguished Achievement Awards based on OTC’s prestigious award. Further learnings and experience will be communicated by Arctic Trailblazers who will help disciplined experts broaden their knowledge and help new generalists understand the core knowledge they need to assess and manage new Arctic opportunities.

ATC presents a highly specialized technical program incorporating topics from sponsoring organizations that include more than 150 technical papers presented by high quality speakers. Topics will include resources, drilling, production, export facilities, physical environment, logistics and marine transport, regulatory, and mining. ATC promotes the understanding of the cold regions of the earth through environmentally compatible design and construction, safe operation, maintenance and integrity of both offshore and onshore structures in these fragile regions.

Exhibitors will have booths presenting services and technologies that provide Arctic solutions and also have the opportunity to submit proposals for the Spotlight on Arctic Technology awards that accentuate innovations for our industry. There will be many opportunities for networking during the refreshment breaks, Spotlight on Technology Awards and social events in the exhibit halls as well as a number of topical breakfasts and luncheons offering insight into the Arctic from special guest presenters.

ATC 2016 is the perfect opportunity for you and your company or institution to collaborate with colleagues and vendors on solutions and lessons learned for Arctic development. The Arctic offers a number of exciting opportunities but will require an understanding of challenges, risk mitigation, vendor capabilities and technologies, all of which can be gained through participation in and networking at ATC. ATC will bring together industry, vendors, engineers, government, academia and local stakeholders to engage in dialogue on the various issues and identify solutions that allow safe and responsible development of Arctic opportunities. Emphasis on safety, sustainability and respect for the people the land and the environment is more crucial than ever and will be highlighted at ATC

I am looking forward to receiving your papers and specially to welcoming you at the Arctic Technology Conference, 24–26 October 2016 in St. John’s!

Walter L Kuehnlein, Chair

General Convention Information

+1 918 560 2617

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